
Showing posts from May, 2017


C DRIVE EXPANSION FOR WINDOWS 2003 Extend System Partition on a Windows Server 2003 VM using Dell ExtPart This explains the steps to Expand C-drive on Windows 2003 server without downing the server. There is no native tool that enables extending system partitions (C:\ drives) on Server 2003. There are multiple ways to perform this task, however, the only method that can be done online utilizes a Dell utility called ExtPart. It can perform the extension of the system partition with no downtime although sometimes booting into Safe Mode and then running ExtPart is necessary to clear locks on the disk. Note: This applies to Server 2003 only, newer versions of Windows do not suffer from this limitation, Disk Management as well as the disk part are able to extend system partitions on-the-fly. Procedures: The first step is to download the ExtPart utility from ( link. Click on the Download File link and s...

Disk Consolidation Needed

Real Time Issue "disk consolidation needed" Error : Unable to access a file since it is locked. Resolution :  1 .Go to edit setting of backup server for the effected VM and check the disks one by one, you find the lock disk name with the effected VM name as below. [Datastore name] effected VMname /effected VMname.vmdk 2 .Select the disk with the effected VMname on the Backup server disks and click on remove. 3 .Make sure removal options should be "Remove from virtual machine" and click on ok. 4 .Now go to effected VM and follow below steps. VM -> Snapshot -> Consolidate.
Real Time Isuue " Create virtual machine snapshot " Error : An error occurred while saving the snapshot : Change tracking target file already exists. Resolution :  1.Connect to the ESXi host that the virtual machine is running on using SSH. 2.Navigate to the virtual machine folder using this command.   cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore/virtual_machine/ 3.List the contents of the directory using the ls command and look for .ctk files. Create a temporary directory for the ctk files For example: mkdir temp Move the CBT files to this directory with this command: mv *-ctk.vmdk temp/ 4.Run the snapshot consolidation again.